
Prior to Gilmartin, Shana Hiatt served as the show host and sideline reporter in its first three seasons. World Poker Tour-Wikipedia. For its first two seasons, both of which originally aired in 2007, the show was presented by Shana Hiatt. Poker After Dark-Wikipedia. This will create an email alert. Model, actress, and television spokesperson Shana Hiatt is best known for hosting the first three seasons of the Travel Channel’s World Poker Tour from 2002 to 2005.

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Playboy, Forget Erin Andrews and Shana Hiatt. Suzy Kolber Is the Sexiest Sportscaster.'>HiattShana hiatt heightHouston Press
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Back in 2000, the good folks at


decided to find out who was the sexiest sportscaster. Though many of the women nominated didn’t want the title – they wanted to be known for their journalistic skills, not their boobs – a winner was determined, and it was said that

Jill Arrington


rather pleased

to have won. Several years later, another of the nominees, Lisa Guerrero would

grace the pages Shana



(image not safe for work).

Shana Hiatt Instagram

And that prologue was necessary to get to the now, with Playboy once again attempting to determine the sexiest sportscaster. They’ve gone to a whole new list, so you can forget about casting votes for Jill or Julian or Melissa or Bonnie. At least for this competition.

The nominees this time out aren’t, for the most part, as well-known as those from 2000. The most famous of the nominees is probably Erin Andrews, who has developed quite the following on the Internet. And Shana Hiatt, who previously graced the pages of Playboy (this image also isn’t safe for work) back in her modeling days, is another of the nominees.

But I’m not writing this to discuss this year’s nominees. I don’t care about this year’s nominees. I write because I’m in a bit of shock. I write because I can’t quite figure out how Playboy can conduct a contest for the sexiest sportscaster and not include the sexiest sportscaster.

That’s right. I’m talking about Suzy Kolber.

You know Suzy. She’s the sideline reporter for Monday Night Football. One of the best, funniest, and most profane sports Web sites is named for her: Kissing Suzy Kolber. (Warning, this site is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.) And, well, we all know how Joe Namath feels about Suzy.

I like Suzy Kolber. I think she’s cute. I like her voice. I like her smile. I like the twinkle her eyes. She’s not the conventional, drop-dead beauty that is Erin Andrews, but she’s got that girl-next-door thing really working in her favor. And no, I’m not talking about Hef’s idea of girls next door. I like that Suzy knows sports and that there is a hint of intelligence in her conversation, something that isn’t too common on ESPN much anymore.

Let’s just say that Joe Namath isn’t the only person in the world who wants to kiss Suzy.

So go ahead and cast your vote to Erin Andrews, and Google up the nude photos of Shana Hiatt. But if you really want to vote for the sexiest sportscaster, go over to the Playboy Web site and write in Suzy’s name. Because Erin might have the boobs, but Suzy’s got the whole package. – John Royal

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